A New Craft in Town

Hello Everyone

I am not sure if you have heard of the new latest craft that has come to town. There are many names that people have been calling this new and exciting craft. I will give all the names in a second, but I would first like to ask you all if you enjoy creating wonderfully beautiful masterpieces? Well, you might be thinking – “I have not tried”, “I have never done a masterpiece”, “how do I do a masterpiece if I am not a painter?”. Well, don’t stress, this new craft is an easy craft that will give you the greatest results that you can never imagine.

Drum roll please……This new and exciting craft is called……5D Diamond Painting, Diamond Dot Painting, Diamond Painting and the list goes on……

SO are you intrigued?

Well, how it works is that you need to start with buying a diamond painting complete kit. The kit contains all the equipment that you will need to start and finish your painting. I forgot to mention – THERE IS NO PAINT INVOLVED!

You are provided with a canvas which will have a picture printed on it, the picture will have a grid over the top of it so that you can see where all the gems are to stick. And there will be a sticky contact on top of the picture. This is where the gems will adhere to. This is usually covered by a protective plastic or paper.

You will be provided with the little gems (less than a centimetre in diameter in size) that you are to stick down on the picture.

The canvas will have a colour key pad or colour key so that you know where and what colour is to stick down where. All the bags that the gems come in are already marked for you.

There should be a little tray in the kit. And some kits come with a tweezer.

You will also have a ‘drill’ or pen tool that will be needed to pick up all the little gems, one at a time, to place them on the sticky picture canvas. Also a red little square of resin will be provided. This is for the tool to be pushed into to pick up a little in the tip of the tool, which will make it useful to pick up the little gems.

Start by pulling the protective layer back from the canvas. It is best to start from the bottom edge and only expose a small section at a time to avoid dust sticking onto your picture.

Pour some of the gems of the colour that you are going to start with into the little tray provided. Push your ‘drill’ or pen tool into the resin and pick up a bit on the tip of the tool. Now pick up a gem, on the rounded side of the gem. The flat part is the bottom of the gem.

Stick the gem down on the corresponding grid block – the little block that is the right colour for the gem you have on your tool.

Keep doing this until you have no more canvas picture left.

Here is a link to a video I made, that might make it easier for you to follow:


Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to be kept up to date on all my latest videos.



facebook application icon
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Hello to all my readers

Communication is the way humans relay information, important intel or contact each other. We use such a large array of devices.

It is amazing how communication types have changed over the years. In the past years, I am talking way back in the times of my grandparents, people communicated, promoted or got messages through was by telegraph, letters, newspaper, a human messenger, carrier pigeons (I am not sure if I am going too far back in history) or even a traveling family member.

The telephone came a bit later in the timeline and eventually the cell-phone which was improved into the smartphone. Tv’s are also something that was recently invented – my parent’s time. Let’s not forget computers.

Social media has become one of the most services for people to interact, communicate or converse with each other. It is so popular that there seems to be new social media platforms for you to sign up with and get posting.

Here are a few social media options:

Facebook founded in Febuarary 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg.

Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Williams in March 2006, and launched in July 2006.

Flickr was created by Ludicorp in 2004.

I have just recently joined Flickr, and I am very happy with the whole experience. Link to my Flickr account will be included at the bottom of the post. 

Tumblr was created by David Karp in 2007. But it is now currently owned by Automattic.

Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. And it was launched in October 2010.

Skype was developed by Skype Communications S.a.r.l. in 2003, August.

Snapchat was created by Standford University students: Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown and released on 8 July 2011.

Pinterest was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp on December 2009 and launched in January 2019.

LinkedIn was founded in 2002 but launched on May 5, 2003.  This networking is mainly used for professional networking.

There are so many more social media types out there, even more than I knew existed. When I started writing this post I never thought I would find information on over 100 different types of websites that you could use to communicate to people around the world. There is even a few that no longer exist.

I wonder how long we need to still wait until telepathy or holocasting will be invented and introduced into our everyday lives.

apps blur button close up
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Here is my Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/187981890@N03/. Come like my photos and follow me. 

Mitred Square Baby Blanket

This pattern can be worked in garter stitch or in stocking stitch.

The pattern below is worked in stocking stitch. If you work in garter stitch, then just knit the purl rows.


Knitting needs suitable for the wool of your choice.

Stitch markers


Large eyed needle to sew in ends



For this pattern I work with 40 stitches. But it can be worked with any size needle and wool.

Cast on 40sts.

Column 1

Square 1:

Starting with a P row, knit all stitches.

*Now to shape: K18, K2tog, K2tog, K18.

Next row: P. (38sts)

Next row: K17, K2tog, K2tog, K17.

Next row: P. (16sts)

Continue to with the above pattern, dec on the K row only, until 2 sts remain.

K2tog last 2 stitches (It should be a P row)

Place a stitch marker.*

Note: if you are going to continue with the same wool, then don’t cut the end. If you want to change colour, then cut and end off.

Now for square 2:

With RS facing, pick up 19sts (total of 20sts on needle) along the top of the previous square and cast on 20sts. (total 40sts)

Continue as for square 1.

Continue making joined squares until you get the length you want for your blanket.

End off.


Column 2

Square 1:

Cast on 20sts, with right side facing, pick up 20sts up the right side of the bottom adjacent square.

Work from * to * as in first square.

Square 2:

**With RS facing, pick up 20sts along the top of the previously knitted square and pick up 20sts of the adjacent square in the first column. Remember to pick up 1 stitch in the centre between the squares.

K the first row. (40sts)

Continue from * to * as in first square.

Square 3:

Work from ** and continue the square from * to *.

Keep working in this pattern until you get the desired width of your blanket.



Mandela Day Blankets

Every year we remember Nelson Mandela Day, an annual international day, that is held on the 18th of July. Nelson Mandela fought for 67 years for social justice. He fought to end the apartheid in the country.

The community is encouraged to set aside 67 minutes to take part in an activity that will honour the day. The aim is to bring people around the world together to fight poverty and promote peace, reconciliation and cultural diversity according to Mandela’s beliefs.

Every year I try to do something for Mandela Day, and this year I am aiming for 67 blankets.

Now with knitting blankets, it is not always easy to have a quick stitch or a quick method to make a blanket. But with this diagonal square pattern, it is so much quicker to make the squares and then all that is left to do is join them. It is my go-to pattern.

k2tog: Knit two together
inc: increase stitch by knitting into the front and back of the stitch

Row 1: Cast on 2 sts.
Row 2: Knit to end of row.
Row 3: Knit 1, increase 1, Knit to end of row.
Repeat Row 3 until the the square measures 11cm from the point to the needle.

Row 1: Knit 1, k2tog, knit to end of row
Repeat Row 1 until 2 stitches remain.
Next row: Cast off, leaving a 20” (50cm) tail which is used for sewing the squares together.

With this pattern, it doesn’t matter what size needles you use or yarn. Just

Time to think

The COVID-19 is spreading. We are all in lock down in South Africa, Western Cape. Waiting in fear for the latest update.

The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

This is the ideal time to enjoy our families and work on family relationships. We are always so busy with life that we forget the most important thing: family love.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

John 14:27

The lock down is a family time for us. 21 days of family time. The guys are building outside, and the girls are doing whatever we can find to do. We have had a few game sessions with all of us participating. We are each doing our bit in the housework department.

This is the time for you to work on your relationship with your spouse and children.

Teach your children how to manage a household, teach them responsibilities or teach them that family is the no.1 true friendship that they will ever get in this life.

Friends are not the same as family. Family should be the ones that will stand up for a fellow family member. Family should defend family. Family should risk their lives for their family.

Spouses can work on their relationship of marriage. Marriage is sacred. It is important to take the time to sit and talk through issues that have risen in the marriage. Our busy lives doesn’t make time to sit for hours talking. Talking is not making money or paying the bills. Now this is the time to sit and talk. Work it all out.

For those who are Christian and attend church, make this the time to have family church. Discuss the Bible together. Include the younger family members too. Pray together. It is the ideal time to strengthen the family foundation in the Faith.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

I fully understand that many people lost jobs and now have no income. Things will improve after this pandemic. But for now, keep still and listen.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Deuteronomy 31:8

We need the Word of the Lord far more than we need the news of the world.

I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.

Psalm 119:11


Keep safe and stay healthy. God is in control.

Corona Virus

person in blue gloves holding petri dish

Every so many years, there is a new virus or illness out in the world. Viruses and bacteria keep forming and we are not always able to formulate cures and treatments in time. In fact we are sometimes not even able to make a cure.

We have had so many infectious illnesses and we have managed to overcome each and every one. Some still have no cures or treatments, but as time goes by we will manage to get it right.

Viruses can’t be treated, but the symptoms can be lessened with medication. Viruses can’t be cured. They need to run their course.

We can help our bodies to handle and quickly self-cure by ensuring that we are using the correct hygiene techniques. Also a healthy lifestyle will reduce the risk of viral infections.

Hand-washing is the first line of defense. Hand wash in the correct manner, with soap and afterwards sanitizing. Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands, rather sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow. Carry sanitizer with you at all times. Never touch your face if you have not just washed or sanitized your hands first. Avoid close contact to strangers. Eat a healthy diet of vegetables and fruits. Nuts and seeds are also a great health snack for all the right minerals and vitamins.

Reduce stress and worry in your life. Worry and stress can cause the body to become weak and this will make you susceptible to infections.

We can’t avoid people, we can’t avoid going out or even using public transport. But we can try our best to stay healthy.

Now the dreaded virus of 2020. It is a ‘flu’ but with severe complications.

A person who is infected with the corona virus will show symptoms of a fever (pyrexia), cough, tight chest, aches and pains in the body. In some cases the outcome of the viral illness is death. But not all who get infected will die. Those that have weakened immune systems, frail bodies or some type of pre-existing medical condition are at a higher risk of death or other complications. And senior citizens are at a high risk.

Most people who are in contact with the virus, may develop symptoms in a day or up to 5 days after contact. Though there are always exceptions.

Those who are asymptomatic by the minimum of 12 days are unlikely to get any symptoms. This does not mean that they aren’t carriers of the virus.

woman in white face mask

Regardless of showing symptoms, please be considerate and self-isolate for a total of 14 days. This will reduce the risk of anyone else getting infected.

Just like you would do with the flu, or any other type of illness, infection or infestation, be considerate of others and avoid people to stop the accidental spread of the virus, bacteria or parasite (scabies).

And don’t forget, the best method to prevent the spread of anything unwanted, is HANDWASHING!!!!!!

cooking hands handwashing health


All information provided has been collected from research of many articles provided by many different sources and from much reading on the topic. Nothing written is direct quotes and all information provided is not to treat or hinder a person from seeking medical help. If you are ill or in any discomfort, go to a doctor.

Sunflower Seeds

I love sunflower seeds. They are small and easy to chew. They also have a nutty/woody taste. They are the least expensive seed that can be bought at a local shop or health store.

Sunflower seeds can be added to baked goods, or even smoothies. Or some people like to eat them just like that, straight from the bag. This is my preferred method.

These tiny seeds are tasty and full of great health benefits for the human body.


They contain minerals such as:

  • copper
  • folate
  • manganese
  • magnesium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Iron
  • Protein
  • Zinc

And many many more minerals and vitamins.

With all the minerals and vitamins, these seeds have great benefits for the human body.

  • They are safe for pregnant women to snack on as they aid in the growth and development of the fetus.
  • Sunflower seeds improve the digestive system and lowers the risk of colon cancer.
  • They provide instant energy to the body.
  • They help to prevent cell damage and improve skin condition thus protecting it from sun damage and aging.
  • They strengthen the bones and muscles.
  • Sunflower seeds can uplift the mood of the consumer.
  • Sunflower seeds can protect against cardiovascular diseases.
  • Reduces the severity of asthma and arthritis.
  • The seeds lower cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.
  • Improves the immune system.
  • They help to reduce stress.
  • They lower the risk and prevent anemia.
  • They aid in the prevention of inflammation.
  • These little bombs of minerals are great for hair, nail and skin health.
  • And they even support weight loss.

I think I have covered all the benefits of these tiny nutritious seeds.

So add them to your breakfast, eat a few with your lunch. You will be amazed at the benefits they provide.

Remember not to over eat them, less is more.

Diamond Painting

Quite a few months back, I was ordering a few items from Wish.com and came across this craft called 5D Diamond painting. So as I like crafts, I decided to give this interesting craft a try. Well, that was the start of a new craft for me.

I am doing diamond paintings just about every day.

So what is diamond painting?

Have you ever did a colour by number? Or paint by number? Right, so diamond painting is just like that only you stick little (minute) gems on the corresponding coloured block.

Every painting comes with a key and the picture is a graph with all little symbols and colours over it. One needs to select the colour gem that you would like to start with and with the help of the key, stick all the gems on the designated blocks on the picture.

It is a very easy and relaxing craft to start. And I can promise that once you start, you will not stop.

It is a craft that is new on the market and only some countries sell them. I am hoping that this will change as it becomes more popular, but for now you can order it online.

I have completed a few already and I am about to start my next one tonight.